Topdressing Service

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Replenish and Revitalize: Treppendahl Landscape’s Topdressing Service

A healthy lawn thrives on a foundation of nutrient-rich soil. Over time, factors like erosion, foot traffic, and natural decomposition can deplete essential elements, leading to compacted soil, poor drainage, and patchy growth. Treppendahl Landscape’s Topdressing Service utilizes a scientific approach to restore your lawn’s vitality. Also, new construction lawns often will be completely devoid of good soil due to the habit of stripping topsoil, adding river silt, and the compaction of machines. New construction lawns often decline rapidly within the first 12 months.

What is Topdressing?

Topdressing is the process of applying a thin layer of specially formulated amendment to the existing soil surface. Our service incorporates a custom blend of 100% organic matter, scientifically chosen to address the specific needs of Louisiana lawns.

Benefits of Topdressing:

Treppendahl’s Difference:

Maximize Your Lawn’s Potential:

Combine Topdressing with Core Aeration for Enhanced Benefits!

Pairing topdressing with core aeration offers a powerful one-two punch for your lawn’s health. Core aeration breaks up compacted soil, creating channels that allow air, water, and nutrients to reach deeper root zones. Topdressing then fills these channels with our custom organic blend, further enhancing the positive effects.

For a limited time, enjoy a 20% discount when you bundle our Topdressing and Core Aeration services!

Restore your lawn’s natural beauty and unlock its full potential. Contact Treppendahl Landscape today for a free consultation and learn how our combined services can revitalize your lawn.

Lighting Showcase

With Treppendahl Landscape’s Lighting Services, you can transform your yard when the sun sets to create that perfect ambience.

Catch Basins

French Drains

French Drains

Avoid Pumps


Torpedo Grass

Your Transformation Starts Here

(225) 405-1816